Volume 78, Issue 10 p. 272-279
Research Article

An application of the Kentucky state Mesonet system to explore spatial and seasonal characteristics of erosive storm activity

C. A. Day

Corresponding Author

C. A. Day

Department of Geographic and Environmental Sciences, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA

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Q. Long

Q. Long

Department of Geographic and Environmental Sciences, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA

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First published: 30 May 2023

Graphical Abstract

Erosive storms resulting from heavy downpours are a common occurrence across the southeastern United States. We applied the Kentucky Mesonet (mesoscale network) system for a statewide spatial and seasonal analysis of key erosive storm characteristics (total storm precipitation, duration, maximum intensity and erosivity). Results confirmed the key role that low pressure systems, convection and topography play in distributing rainfall and storm characteristics across the state. Shorter, more intensive and more erosive events typically occurred towards the western side of the state across fall and spring, while seasonally summer dominates with shorter duration more intensive and erosive events further east.